Easy French cassoulet
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Easy French cassoulet

Got a big appetite? This easy French cassoulet will serve up to six people! This dish is ready in about an hour, it has sausages, chicken and bacon!

1 hours
6 persons
Easy French cassoulet ingredients

Recipe easy french cassoulet


6 persons
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This is what you need

Véronique Pouw

Made by Véronique

Published at 2016-11-14, this recipe is for 6 persons persons and takes 1 hours.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
15 minutes
Time cooking
45 minutes
Total time
1 hours

Preparation – 15 minutes

Wash the leek, carrot, potatoes and celery stalks. Peel the carrots using a vegetable peeler. Slice the leek, carrots, celery stalks, onions and garlic into smaller pieces using a chefs knife and a cutting board.

Add 2 - 3 tablespoons smoked paprika powder into a large bowl. Add the pork sausages and coat them with the smoked paprika powder. The easiest way to do this is to shake the bowl.

Drain the jar of unbaked white beans into a strainer or sieve. Rinse with cold running water.

Finishing up the easy French cassoulet – 45 minutes

Pour some olive oil into the dutch oven and sauté the onions and garlic until glazed. Add the bacon, sausages and chicken thighs. Bake them until nearly browned.

Add slices carrots, celery stalks and leek into the dutch oven. Let simmer for about 10 minutes, stir every now and then using a wooden spoon. Add the contents of the can diced tomatoes and stir well.

Add in the bay leaves and cloves. Turn the heat down to a low setting, let simmer for about 30 minutes. Fill a large pan with water, add the waxy potatoes and bring to a boil.

Check the package to see how long the potatoes need to boil. Add the rinsed white beans in the last 10 minutes into the dutch oven, the beans only need to be heated up.  

Eason the easy french cassoulet with some salt and pepper. Optionally add in a handful breadcrumbs, serve the easy french cassoulet with cooked waxy potatoes. Enjoy your diner!

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