Fish tacos
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Fish tacos

Fish tacos with sour lime juice, green cabbage salad. Combines a lot of amazing flavors in a bite-sized treat. Recipe for 4 people, ready in 30 minutes.

30 minutes
4 persons
Fish tacos ingredients

Recipe fish tacos


4 persons
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This is what you need

VΓ©ronique Pouw

Made by VΓ©ronique

Published at 2015-08-09, this recipe is for 4 persons persons and takes 30 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
20 minutes
Time cooking
10 minutes
Total time
30 minutes

Preparation – 20 minutes

Clean and cut the cod into equal slices. If you're using frozen fish like us, make sure to defrost the fish beforehand. Place the frozen cod into luke-warm water until defrosted. In the large bowl, mix vegetable oil, lime juice, chilli powder, cumin, coriander, garlic and some salt to taste.

Coat the fish using the mixture, it's best to use your hands for this. If you don't want oils all over your hands, use non-powdered surgical gloves.

Transfer the large bowl with fish to your refrigerator and let sit for about 15 minutes.  

Fish tacos
Fish tacos

Putting the fish tacos together – 10 minutes

Grab the fish from your refrigerator. Heat up the large skillet without any oil or butter. This is because the fish is already nicely coated with vegetable oil (it won't smoke this way!).

Grill the fish over direct heat until firm, for about 2-3 minutes. Turn each piece of fish over and grill until cooked. Remember, the most important thing about baking fish is to leave it be.

Don't mess around with it too much, stir, move or turn the fish too much, and you'll notice it falling apart. Grill tortillas about 15-30 seconds on each side.

ADD salad, like a shredded green cabbage salad and place pieces of grilled cod on top of it. Best served with sour lime cream, quick and easy recipe below:

Ingredients for a sour lime cream

  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 1/2 tablespoon grated lime zest
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice

Mix all of the above ingredients together in a medium-sized bowl. Enjoy!

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4 comments on "Fish tacos"
Thalia @ butter and brioche says on 2015-08-13
Easy, flavoursome and delicious.. these tacos are everything I want right now!
Ohmydish says on 2015-08-13
We will be putting up a recipe for an amazing green cabbage salad soon, the combination of flavors will be something you want to make right now!
Ana says on 2015-08-13
Oh my tacos!! They look sooo delicious!
Ohmydish says on 2015-08-14
Thank you! :)

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