Melon, mozzarella and prosciutto skewers
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Melon, mozzarella and prosciutto skewers

Super easy recipe for melon, mozzarella and prosciutto skewers. Delicious tapas for your next party! Ready in just 10 minutes.

10 minutes
4 persons
Melon, mozzarella and prosciutto skewers ingredients

Recipe melon, mozzarella and prosciutto skewers


4 persons
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Véronique Pouw

Made by Véronique

Published at 2017-02-13, this recipe is for 4 persons persons and takes 10 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
Time cooking
10 minutes
Total time
10 minutes

Making the melon, mozzarella and prosciutto skewers – 10 minutes

Slice the galia melon into 4 equal pieces using the chefs knife. Cut out little balls of melon using the melon baller. Put the melon balls into the small bowl.

Repeat this step until most of the melon has been used up.  

Melon, mozzarella and prosciutto skewers
Melon, mozzarella and prosciutto skewers

Drain liquid from the mini mozzarella balls package. Remove the dried spanish / italian ham from its package and slice into 4 equal pieces. Pierce a melon ball on a wooden skewer.

Fold 1/4th dried ham and pierce it on the skewer too, then add a mini mozzarella ball. Add dried ham and finish with a melon ball. Repeat this step until the ingredients have been used up.  

Melon, mozzarella and prosciutto skewers
Melon, mozzarella and prosciutto skewers

Store the melon, mozzarella and prosciutto skewers while refrigerated for up to a day. Make sure to cover the tapas with some cling film. Best enjoyed with a little bit of balsamic crème!

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2 comments on "Melon, mozzarella and prosciutto skewers"
A_boleyn says on 2017-02-20
Nice appetizer dish.
Ohmydish says on 2017-02-21

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