Poire Belle-Hélène
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Poire Belle-Hélène

Poire Belle-Hélène is a classic French dessert. Pears with warm chocolate sauce, whipped cream and almond shavings is a favorite to many.

40 minutes
6 persons
Poire Belle-Hélène ingredients

Recipe poire belle-hélène


6 persons
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Véronique Pouw

Made by Véronique

Published at 2019-11-25, this recipe is for 6 persons persons and takes 40 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
30 minutes
Time cooking
10 minutes
Total time
40 minutes

Preparation – 30 minutes

Add water and sugar to a large bowl and bring to a boil. Squeeze the juice from a lemon and add the juice and the squeezed lemon to the pan. Peel the pears and cut a bit of the bottom so it can stand up straight.

Add the pears to the water and turn down the heat. Put the lid on and cook the pears gently until they're soft, that will take about 20 minutes.

Meanwhile whip about 150 ml heavy cream and sweeten it with some powdered sugar. Scoop the whipped cream into a piping-bag. Roast a handful of almond shavings in a dry skillet.  

Poire Belle-Hélène
Poire Belle-Hélène

Finishing the Poire Belle-Hélène – 10 minutes

Create a bain-marie by adding a layer of water to a small pan. Put the bowl on top and add the chocolate into pieces to the bowl. Slowly melt the chocolate and stir in the remaining 50 ml of heavy cream.

This way the chocolate will be a bit more liquid. Transfer the pears from the tasteful water to the plates. Create a small and a large piece of whipped cream next to the pears.

Place a scoop of ice cream on top of the small piece of whipped cream, this way the ice cream won't shift. Finish the dessert with warm chocolate sauce and almond shavings, enjoy!

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