Apple turnovers
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Apple turnovers

Apple turnovers are so delicious, but especially very easy. My mom used to make them a lot, because they're done in almost no-time at all.

45 minutes
10 persons
Apple turnovers ingredients

Recipe apple turnovers


10 persons
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Véronique Pouw

Made by Véronique

Published at 2017-03-08, this recipe is for 10 persons persons and takes 45 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
10 minutes
Time cooking
35 minutes
Total time
45 minutes

Preparation – 10 minutes

Defrost the sheets of puff pastry. Meanwhile peel the apples and remove the core. Chop the apples into pieces, make sure they're not too large otherwise the puff pastry won't close well.  

Combine the pieces of apple with lemon juice and zest to prevent it from discolouring, but it will also give the turnovers a refreshing taste. Add a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and a tablespoon of cane sugar.

Pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees celsius or 350 degrees fahrenheit.  

Apple turnovers
Apple turnovers

Finishing the apple turnovers – 35 minutes

Place a large spoonful of the apple filling on one side of the puff pastry sheet. Use a bit of water to close the apple turnovers. Press the edges together so they won't open up during baking, you can also use a fork for this.

Repeat this step until all the puff pastry sheets have been used. Beat an egg with a bit of water to create an egg wash and coat the top of the turnovers.

Sprinkle the top with cane sugar and bake them in the oven for about 25 minutes, depending on your oven. Let them cool off slightly and enjoy!

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2 comments on "Apple turnovers"
A_boleyn says on 2017-03-13
I love apple turnovers whether made with puff pastry or pie crust pastry.
Ohmydish says on 2017-03-14
Such a classic snack. I really love them too, they remind me of my youth cause my mom used to make them a lot :)

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