Bavette steak with mustard sauce
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Bavette steak with mustard sauce

Ever heard of bavette? A relatively unknown cut of beef, such a shame cause it's so delicious! Try a bavette steak with mustard steak for your next dinner party.

45 minutes
2 persons
Bavette steak with mustard sauce ingredients

Recipe bavette steak with mustard sauce


2 persons
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Véronique Pouw

Made by Véronique

Published at 2018-01-29, this recipe is for 2 persons persons and takes 45 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-08-06

Let's get started
Preparation time
30 minutes
Time cooking
15 minutes
Total time
45 minutes

Preparation – 30 minutes

Let the meats temperature get to room temperature about half an hour before preparing. Pat the beef dry using paper kitchen towels and season them with pepper and salt.  

Bavette steak with mustard sauce
Bavette steak with mustard sauce

Finishing the bavette steak with mustard sauce – 15 minutes

Heat olive oil in a large skillet and cook the bavettes beautiful brown in about 3 minutes per side. The exact time depends on the thickness of the beef and the way you like your steak best.  

Wrap the beef in tin foil and let it rest for about 10 minutes. Meanwhile create an easy mustard sauce by adding a knob of butter to the large skillet. Stir in the mustard and crème fraîche and season the sauce with pepper and salt.

Serve the bavette steak with mustard sauce and for example roasted radishes and mashed potatoes. Enjoy!

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2 comments on "Bavette steak with mustard sauce"
Barbecue box says on 2020-04-28
That's the recipe I've been looking for so long and finally founded thanks for sharing step by step recipe instructions its help us to easily cook and surf dish in front of my guests.
Ohmydish says on 2020-04-28
Thanks for the lovely comment! :)

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