Shrimp salad with mango and mozzarella
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Shrimp salad with mango and mozzarella

The weather isn't that great, but a lovely shrimp salad with mango and mozzarella can be eaten all year round! So delicious!

25 minutes
4 persons
Shrimp salad with mango and mozzarella ingredients

Recipe shrimp salad with mango and mozzarella


4 persons
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VΓ©ronique Pouw

Made by VΓ©ronique

Published at 2017-05-02, this recipe is for 4 persons persons and takes 25 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
15 minutes
Time cooking
10 minutes
Total time
25 minutes

Preparation – 15 minutes

First make the recipe for marinated mozzarella, if you won't do this, you can also use plain mozzarella and olive oil instead of the oil from the preserving jar.

Defrost the shrimps and if needed you also have to peel them and pat them dry using paper kitchen towels. If necessary, rinse the lettuce and use a salad spinner to get rid of any excess water.

Peel the mango and slice into chunks. Make a quick dressing by combining a splash of white wine vinegar with pepper, salt and olive oil (from the preserving jar) until you've reached the desired thickness.

Remove the seeds from the red chili pepper and roughly chop the pepper.  

Shrimp salad with mango and mozzarella
Shrimp salad with mango and mozzarella

Finishing the shrimp salad with mango and mozzarella – 10 minutes

Divide the lettuce, mozzarella and mango over 4 plates. Heat olive oil (from the jar) in the skillet and shortly cook the shrimps, then add the chopped pepper and cook for another few minutes.  

Season with pepper and salt and divide the shrimps over the lettuce. Finish the salad with dressing and enjoy!

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