Smoked duck salad with walnuts
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Smoked duck salad with walnuts

A light and refreshing smoked duck salad with walnuts that's ready within 15 minutes. Recipe for 4 and serve with a glass of apple cider.

15 minutes
4 persons
Smoked duck salad with walnuts ingredients

Recipe smoked duck salad with walnuts


4 persons
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Véronique Pouw

Made by Véronique

Published at 2018-02-01, this recipe is for 4 persons persons and takes 15 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
10 minutes
Time cooking
5 minutes
Total time
15 minutes

Preparation – 10 minutes

Rinse the lettuce and remove any excess water using a salad spinner. Remove the outer leaves and hard parts of the chicory and divide into small strips.

Peel the apples and cut into thin slices, to prevent them from discolouring you can drizzle the apple slices with lemon juice. Combine a dash of apple cider, a dash of walnut oil and 2 tablespoons crème fraîche in a small bowl and whisk to create a smooth dressing.

Use a nutcracker for the walnuts and crush them into chunks. Chop the chives into quite coarse pieces and set aside. Combine the lettuce and dressing in a large bowl.  

Smoked duck salad with walnuts
Smoked duck salad with walnuts

Finishing the smoked duck salad with walnuts – 5 minutes

Divide the lettuce with dressing on the plates, then add chicory, apple slices, walnut, smoked duck slices and croutons. Garnish with coarsely chopped chives and enjoy!

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