
Dish type: weekday

2 recipes


Green smoothie with spinach and banana

5 minutes 1 person (1)

This is a really simple and quick recipe for a fresh, green smoothie, made with spinach and banana. Ideal for a quick breakfast which delivers those vitamins!

Zuurkoolstamppot - Dutch sauerkraut potato mash

30 minutes 4 people (61)

A classic zuurkoolstamppot is a Dutch dish, very easy and made within half an hour. A simple mash, yum! Can be made without bacon.

Kohlrabi in a creamy sauce

25 minutes 4 people (5)

Kohlrabi served in a creamy sauce is a simple, traditional side dish. Make your own béchamel sauce, and enhance the natural peppery flavour of the kohlrabi with curry spices.

Pasta alfredo

15 minutes 2 people (3)

A pasta alfredo is a classic Italian dish. Using only a few ingredients, this pasta can be served in 15 minutes. Serve with a nice salad.