Zuurkoolstamppot - Dutch sauerkraut potato mash
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Zuurkoolstamppot - Dutch sauerkraut potato mash

A classic zuurkoolstamppot is a Dutch dish, very easy and made within half an hour. A simple mash, yum! Can be made without bacon.

30 minutes
4 persons
Zuurkoolstamppot - Dutch sauerkraut potato mash ingredients

Recipe zuurkoolstamppot - dutch sauerkraut potato mash


4 persons
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Véronique Pouw

Made by Véronique

Published at 2017-11-17, this recipe is for 4 persons persons and takes 30 minutes.

Updated at: 2025-03-25

Let's get started
Preparation time
20 minutes
Time cooking
10 minutes
Total time
30 minutes

Preparation – 20 minutes

Peel the potatoes and chop them into chunks. Boil the potatoes for about 20 minutes, depending on the size of the chunks.

Drain the sauerkraut to remove any liquid from the package and add the sauerkraut to the pan after about 10 minutes.

If you add the sauerkraut too soon, it will become mushy.  


Finishing the zuurkoolstamppot – 10 minutes

Cook the bacon in a skillet under they're crispy. Strain the potatoes and sauerkraut in a colander and transfer them back into the large pan. Use a potato masher to create a mash and add as much milk and butter to create a creamy consistency.

Add bacon and season with pepper and salt, be careful with the salt because the bacon is already quite salty. Serve with mustard and smoked sausage. Enjoy!

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79 ratings
21 comments on "Zuurkoolstamppot - Dutch sauerkraut potato mash"
Jj says on 2018-12-15
There's no back in in stamppot zuurkool....it's served with smoked sausage or meatballs.
Ohmydish says on 2018-12-15
Hi JJ, zuurkool stamppot isn't traditionally served with smoked sausage or meatballs. I think you mean boerenkool stamppot :)
Gerri humphreys says on 2018-12-16
We love our zuurkool stamppot with a crisp fried, in butter of cause, pork lion chop. Love a chop with a lot of fat and the skin crisp as well.
Ohmydish says on 2018-12-16
Ah yes, totally agree Gerri! :)
Ayla says on 2019-11-08
Yes, it is. Zuurkool stamppot is usually served with 'rookworst'.
Ohmydish says on 2019-11-08
It's often served with rookworst, absolutely. But it can also be served with a pork chop or any other piece of meat, where boerenkool is almost always served with rookworst (thats classic). And this recipe is for the mash only and that has to have bacon in it (where the original comment was all about).
Gina cyr says on 2020-04-04
That absolutely looks delicious and my grandma used to make that . Will make this for sure ! Where here in Canada can I get the real Dutch rookworst?
Ohmydish says on 2020-04-05
Hi Gina, you can order all kinds of Dutch foods from https://www.dutchexpatshop.com/en/unox-beef-smoked-sausage.html . I'm not sure if they ship everything at the moment, because of COVID-19 .
John spijkers says on 2020-05-24
Even as a Dutch-born Canadian I don't buy into the you must serve Rookworst with a Stamppot. We had our stamppot mostly with pork chops and sometimes Rookworst for sure. In my opinion one should serve it with the protein of choice and that's what I do. In the last few years I've served a stamppot with English Banger sausages, which is my favourite pork sausage.
Ohmydish says on 2020-05-24
Thank you for your comment John, couldn't agree more! Sausages, rookworst, pork chops, meat balls, all is great with a 'zuurkoolstamppot' indeed! Have a great day
Bernice tapp says on 2020-06-17
In regards to the rookworst, I use farmer's sausage. My favourite brand is "Harvest" double smoke farmers sausage and I can get it at Costco.
Bongabob says on 2020-07-13
Hello from an Englishman in Hungary. I have made this a couple of times with Hungarian Fasirt , and also with the local Blood sausage. Both were excellent, thanks for the recipe.
Ohmydish says on 2020-07-13
Hello from a Dutchie in France. That sounds amazing, thank you that's lovely to hear! Have a great day :)
Bongabob says on 2020-07-13
Hi Dutchie, i also twisted things one time. Cringe ? when the "Garlic Zuurkoolstamppot" was ready i put it in a Pyrex dish covered in sliced fresh tomatos and covered with cheddar and baked until golden. Also was wonderful. The beauty of the rules of cooking is there are no rules. Keep up the good work. Regards Bonga
Ohmydish says on 2020-07-13
Totally agree, there are no rules. Only if you want to call something a 'classic dish' there are some standards. With tomatoes and cheese also sounds amazing! Thank you, greetings Véronique
Chris bylsma says on 2020-08-29
Where in Canada are you, CMP (Country Meat Packing) is in Ontario (between Cambridge and Dundas) and they specialize in European style meats. They’re products are usually found in Dutch deli’s
Bea lloyd says on 2020-09-28
We got it at Sobey’s It is called Mennonite Farmer Sausage and it is from Grimm’s fine foods. We also saw them at Walmart. They are like the Hema worst if anybody remembers. I am Dutch an came to Canada in 79. live in Edmonton area.
Liesbeth says on 2020-11-21
Most of the time we (Dutch) add bayleaf (laurel) amd juniper and sometimes black pepper (the whole pepper seeds) and cook that with the sauerkraut. If you want the sauerkraut to taste a little less Sauer then you can cook it in appeljuice. And a nice piece of rookworst or a meatball with gravy is also a must! If you have leftover zuurkoolstamppot ;-) Bake it in a pan with butter and it tastes even better then the day you made it. We have a custom to put backed leftover zuurkoolstamppot on our bread! Yummie!
Ohmydish says on 2020-11-21
Hi Liesbeth, you can use 'kruiden zuurkool' but the classic dish is with plain 'zuurkool'. You can vary a lot, of course! And yes, you can serve rookworst, meatballs, pork shops or any other protein to go with this 'stamppot'. I'm Dutch too, but leftover zuurkoolstamppot on our bread, never heard of it. Other kinds of stamppot, yes :-)
Ineke says on 2020-12-14
I serve my zuurkoolstamp met Turkey Kielbasa! Yum!
Ohmydish says on 2020-12-15
I recently had Kielbasa sausages for the first time, they're indeed a great combi with zuurkoolstamp! Have a great evening!

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