Dutch potato salad - Huzarensalade
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Dutch potato salad - Huzarensalade

A delicious and refreshing huzarensalade, a Dutch potato salad with meat and vegetables. An amazing side dish at a barbecue!

5 hours 15 minutes
8 persons
Dutch potato salad - Huzarensalade ingredients

Recipe dutch potato salad - huzarensalade


8 persons
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Véronique Pouw

Made by Véronique

Published at 2020-07-01, this recipe is for 8 persons persons and takes 5 hours 15 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
4 hours 30 minutes
Time cooking
45 minutes
Total time
5 hours 15 minutes

Preparation – 30 minutes + 4 hours waiting time

Fill a medium pan with water and bring to a boil. Cook the beef in the water, the exact cooking time depends on the type of meat you're using and the thickness of the piece.

After about 3 - 4 hours the meat will be cooked, the meat is done when it is tender and you can easily pull it apart. Bring a second pan of water to a boil and cook the potatoes in it for about half an hour.

The exact cooking time depends on the size of the potatoes. Let the potatoes cool down and then peel and cut them into small cubes.

Meanwhile, peel the carrots and cut them into cubes. Bring the water from the potatoes to a boil again and add the carrots. After about 5 minutes you can also add the peas to the boiling water.  

Dutch potato salad - Huzarensalade
Dutch potato salad - Huzarensalade

Huzarensalade – 45 minutes

Use 2 forks to create small pieces of 'pulled beef'. Combine the meat with the potato and carrot cubes and boiled peas. Peel the apple, remove the core and cut the apple into cubes.

Cut the pickles into thin slices and mix them with the pearl onions and mayonnaise into the meat and potato mixture. Season with salt and pepper. This salad is best if you keep it in the fridge overnight because the flavours will fully absorb.

Season the salad with salt and pepper again the next day. Enjoy!

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11 ratings
2 comments on "Dutch potato salad - Huzarensalade"
Brian stokoe says on 2024-01-03
Looks good to me, but have never had this with beef in Holland.
Ohmydish says on 2024-01-05
Thank you Brian, a 'huzarensalade' with beef is an old-fashioned Dutch salad. There are also versions using diced ham. With love, Véronique

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