Fermented cabbage and carrot
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Fermented cabbage and carrot

This fermented cabbage and carrot is made in the same way as sauerkraut, but is kind of similar to atjar. Definitely worth the wait!

20 minutes
10 persons
Fermented cabbage and carrot ingredients

Recipe fermented cabbage and carrot


10 persons
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VΓ©ronique Pouw

Made by VΓ©ronique

Published at 2017-07-08, this recipe is for 10 persons persons and takes 20 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
20 minutes
Time cooking
20 minutes
Total time
20 minutes

A sauerkraut jar is a ceramic jar with weights in it and has an airlock. Check out the pictures to see what this jar looks like.

Preparation – 20 minutes

Remove the outer leaves of the cabbage. Divide the cabbage into 4 quarters and remove the hard parts in the center. Chop the cabbage into thin strips, you can use a mandoline or cutting machine.

You can even use a food processor or coarse grater. Peel the carrots and also chop them into strips. Combine the cabbage and carrots with ras el hanout and salt.

Add the vegetables into the sauerkraut jar and crush each layer with your hands or a hard long object. Pour in the carrot juice, make sure the veggies are completely covered in liquid.

Place the stones or other heavy object on top, put the lid on and create a water lock. This is very important to allow the gas to escape, and the contents to stay inside of the jar.  

Fermented cabbage and carrot
Fermented cabbage and carrot

Finishing the fermented cabbage and carrot –  3 weeks

Store the jar in a place where the temperature is always the same, like a basement. Wait at least 3 weeks before opening up the jar. Check the airlock every week, make sure there's enough water in the airlock.

This fermented sour side dish is great with nasi or lumpias, a bit similar to atjar. Enjoy!

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