
Stewed Beef Escalopes


These stewed escalopes are wonderfully old-fashioned. Cooked in a delicious red wine and onion sauce, the escalopes are so tender that they fall apart.

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Stewed beef escalopes
Veronique van Ohmydish

Made by Véronique

Published at 2021-10-18, this recipe is for 4 people and takes 2 hours 30 minutes.

Founder of Ohmydish (established 2014). Would happily spend her entire day in the kitchen. Previously worked in the hospitality industry as an independent chef and is ready and willing to help you gain confidence in the kitchen. With her easy-to-follow recipes, helpful tips, and cooking knowledge, you will be making the very tastiest dishes yourself in no time! Véronique's recipes are intended for everyone, from beginners to advanced home cooks.

Updated at: 22-06-2023

2 hours 30 minutes 4 people Main course 194 calories p.p.
Stewed beef escalopes


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  • 4 beef escalopes
  • black pepper and salt to taste
  • flour
  • large knob of butter
  • 2 onions
  • 250 grams mushrooms
  • 200 ml red wine
  • 500 ml beef stock
  • 1 tablespoon mustard
  • 3 tablespoons black treacle / molasses
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 3 cloves
Stewed beef escalopes ingredients
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Kitchen equipment

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  • chopping board & chef's knife
  • mushroom brush or kitchen paper
  • casserole
  • wooden spoon
  • kitchen tongs

Stewed Beef Escalopes

2 hours 30 minutes 4 people Main course 194 calories p.p.

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Use black pepper, if possible, as it gives the dish a warm taste.

Remove the escalopes from the refrigerator half an hour beforehand and let them come to room temperature.

Preparation – 10 minutes

Peel the onions and cut them into half moon rings. Clean the mushrooms with a brush or kitchen paper and cut into quarters.

Stewed beef escalopes
Stewed beef escalopes

Finishing the escalopes – 2 hours + 20 minutes

Heat a good knob of butter in a frying pan and sprinkle the escalopes with black pepper and salt. Cover the escalopes on both sides with a thin layer of flour.

As soon as the butter begins to stop foaming, fry the escalopes on both sides until nicely browned. Then add the mushrooms and onions and fry for a few more minutes.

Make sure everything is nicely browned and then deglaze with red wine. Add the cloves and bay leaves along with the beef stock.

Stir in the mustard and black treacle / molasses and let the escalopes simmer over a low heat for around 2 hours. Check occasionally that there is enough liquid in the pan and add an extra splash of water if the meat is not yet cooked.

When the meat falls apart it is ready; let the sauce thicken without the lid if necessary. Delicious served with boiled potatoes and red cabbage. Enjoy your meal!

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Stewed Beef Escalopes: frequently asked questions

What is the difference between escalopes and steaks?

An escalope comes from the shoulder, while a steak can be cut from several areas. An escalope is a cut of steak, but steak is not necessarily an escalope.

What is the difference between pot roast, braised beef and pulled meat?

Pulled meat and braised meat are the same, the meat is slowly cooked for a longer period of time so that the meat becomes tender and falls apart, creating the well-known threads.

With pot roast, the meat is usually cut into cubes and has a slightly shorter cooking time than with pulled meat. This will make the meat tender, but it will become much less stringy.

Can you prepare these escalopes in a slow cooker?

A slow cooker is excellent for stewing and simmering meat such as these escalopes. Fry the meat in a pan first to give more flavour to the dish.