Whole roasted jalapeño chicken
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Whole roasted jalapeño chicken

A whole roasted jalapeno chicken is full of flavors, it takes an hour in the oven but it's easy! Make sure you buy a good and juicy chicken.

1 hours 10 minutes
4 persons
Whole roasted jalapeño chicken ingredients

Recipe whole roasted jalapeño chicken


4 persons
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Véronique Pouw

Made by Véronique

Published at 2016-02-24, this recipe is for 4 persons persons and takes 1 hours 10 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
10 minutes
Time cooking
1 hours
Total time
1 hours 10 minutes

Preparation – 10 minutes

Pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees celsius or 350 degrees fahrenheit. Melt the butter in a small saucepan. Peel and finely chop the garlic cloves. Remove the jalapeno pepper seeds and chop the peppers as fine as you can.

Mix chopped garlic and jalapeno with the melted butter and season with pepper and salt. Use a piece of kitchen twine to fasten the chicken legs. Rub the chicken with the butter mixture, don't forget the inside of the chicken.

Rinse the potatoes with cold water and cut into wedges. Peel the red onion and also cut into wedges. Divide the potato and onion wedges over the oven dish and place the chicken on top.

Finishing the whole roasted jalapeno chicken – 1 hour

Bake the chicken in the oven for about an hour. For a juicy and perfect cooked chicken, the temperature should be 71 degrees celsius or 160 degrees fahrenheit. To be more precise you can use an oven thermometer.

Make sure you use the thermometer in the thickest part of the chicken. Baste the chicken from time to time with the butter mixture while it's in the oven.

Use a sharp and flexible knife to easily cut the chicken into pieces. Serve with some extra veggies and enjoy!

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2 comments on "Whole roasted jalapeño chicken"
A_boleyn says on 2016-02-29
Looks delicious.
Ohmydish says on 2016-02-29
Thank you very much :D

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