Antillean pastechi
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Antillean pastechi

These Antillean pastechi are a lovely and delicious snack. You can fill them in a lot of different ways, such as these ones with ground beef.

1 hours
6 persons
Antillean pastechi ingredients

Recipe antillean pastechi


6 persons
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VΓ©ronique Pouw

Made by VΓ©ronique

Published at 2018-12-27, this recipe is for 6 persons persons and takes 1 hours.

Updated at: 2024-09-16

Let's get started
Preparation time
30 minutes
Time cooking
30 minutes
Total time
1 hours

Preparation – 30 minutes

Start with the filling so it can cool off. Peel and finely chop the onion. Remove the seeds of the bell pepper and divide into small pieces. It's important the pieces are very small otherwise they won't fit inside the pastechi.

Finely chop the spanish pepper, if you like a milder version you can remove the seeds first. Heat a bit of oil in a small skillet and sautΓ© the onion, bell pepper and spanish pepper for a few minutes.

Cook the ground beef for a few minutes more and season with soy sauce, pepper and salt. Let the filling cool off while you make the dough.

Combine flour, baking powder, salt, cane sugar, 2 tablespoons oil and an egg. You can knead the dough by hand of use a standmixer.

Gradually add 200 ml water until you've reached a dough ball.  

Antillean pastechi
Antillean pastechi

Finishing the Antillean pastechi – 30 minutes

Dust your work surface and rolling-pin with flour and roll the dough until it's quite thin. Use a glass or round bowl to create circles of the dough. You can use a form or a fork to close the dough packages.

Use a bit of water on the edges and scoop a spoonful of filling into the middle. Press the edges with the form or fork and remove any extra dough with a sharp small knife.  

Filling Antillean pastechi
Filling Antillean pastechi
Folding Antillean pastechi
Folding Antillean pastechi

Heat sunflower oil to about 175 degrees celsius or 345 degrees fahrenheit and fry the pastechi until they're golden brown on both sides. Serve immediately, enjoy!

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