Celery root salad
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Celery root salad

You've probably seen these celery root salads in the supermarkets. You can easily make your own within 10 minutes, delicious and creamy!

10 minutes
6 persons
Celery root salad ingredients

Recipe celery root salad


6 persons
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This is what you need

Véronique Pouw

Made by Véronique

Published at 2017-03-20, this recipe is for 6 persons persons and takes 10 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
5 minutes
Time cooking
5 minutes
Total time
10 minutes

Preparation – 5 minutes

Create the dressing first, this way you can immediately coat the celery root. The dressing contains lemon juice, which prevents the celery root from discolouring.

Combine mayonnaise with the mustard and lemon juice. Add a small splash of water so the dressing will be a bit more liquid, this way it will coat the celery root a bit better. Season with pepper and salt.  

Celery root salad
Celery root salad

Finishing the celery root salad – 5 minutes

Peel the celery root, the best way is to use a chef's knife and slice all the way around starting at the top. Use a food processor or coarse grater to create celery root julienne.

Immediately coat with the dressing and again season with pepper and salt. Enjoy!

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