Kale and potatoes a.k.a. boerenkoolstamppot
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Kale and potatoes a.k.a. boerenkoolstamppot

Kale and potatoes, or better known as boerenkoolstamppot in Holland is a winter dish that goes way back in time. Served with an onion sauce.

30 minutes
6 persons
Kale and potatoes a.k.a. boerenkoolstamppot ingredients

Recipe kale and potatoes a.k.a. boerenkoolstamppot


6 persons
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Véronique Pouw

Made by Véronique

Published at 2016-10-31, this recipe is for 6 persons persons and takes 30 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-07-31

Let's get started
Preparation time
10 minutes
Time cooking
20 minutes
Total time
30 minutes

Preparation – 10 minutes

Peel the potatoes and chop into chunks. Place the potato pieces in a large pan, fill the pan with water and a spoonful of salt and bring to a boil.

Meanwhile fill the medium-sized pan with water and bring to a boil to heat up the smoked sausages later on. Peel the onions and chop them as fine as possible.  

Kale and potatoes a.k.a. boerenkoolstamppot
Kale and potatoes a.k.a. boerenkoolstamppot

Finishing the kale and potatoes – 20 minutes

Heat a knob of butter in the small skillet and sauté the onions until they're really brown. They will give the sauce its brown color, but make sure they won't burn.

Add the cornstarch along with a little bit of water into the small bowl and whisk well. Add about 200 ml water and the cornstarch into the browned onions. Let it cook for a few minutes, until you've reached the desired thickness.

If the sauce is too light, you can add a dash of ketjap. If you like a meat flavour to the onion sauce, add a cube of beef stock. Season the onion sauce with pepper and salt.

Meanwhile heat the smoked sausages in the boiling water. When the potatoes are almost done you can add the chopped kale into the large pan. Boil them for another 5 minutes and then drain the kale and potatoes.

Add the kale and potatoes back into the pan and mash them using a potato masher. Add a knob of butter and a dash of milk until the mixture is smooth enough. Season with pepper and salt.  

SERVE with the smoked sausage, the onion sauce and mustard of piccalilli. Enjoy!

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