Limburger cold salad a.k.a. koude schotel
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Limburger cold salad a.k.a. koude schotel

A good Limburger cold salad a.k.a. koude schotel has been made one day in advance so the flavors can enhance. Perfect for all kinds of parties.

5 hours 15 minutes
10 persons
Limburger cold salad a.k.a. koude schotel ingredients

Recipe limburger cold salad a.k.a. koude schotel


10 persons
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Véronique Pouw

Made by Véronique

Published at 2017-05-11, this recipe is for 10 persons persons and takes 5 hours 15 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-12-29

Let's get started
Preparation time
4 hours 45 minutes
Time cooking
45 minutes
Total time
5 hours 15 minutes

Preparation – 30 minutes + 4 hours waiting time

tip: if you want a smaller amount of koude schotel, you can easily divide all the ingredients. Make sure you calculate with the ratio of 1 kg meat and 1,6 kg potatoes.  

Fill 2 pans with water and bring to a boil. Start peeling the potatoes and carrots. Cook the potatoes until they're done, you can easily check if they're cooked enough using a fork.

Drain the potatoes and let them cool off until they're at room temperature. Place the pieces of beef for soup in the second large pan and let it cook on low heat for a few hours.

You can check if it's ready by pulling it together. If that goes very easy, the meat is cooked enough. Remove the meat from the water and let it cool off. The water that's left is super delicious, so use it for a soup or sauce.

Meanwhile, chop the potatoes into small cubes and the carrots into slices or cubes. Fill the pan you've used for the potatoes again with water and bring to a boil.

Cook the carrot until they're almost done, also add the frozen peas. Drain them after a few minutes and let them cool off to room temperature.  

Limburger cold salad a.k.a. koude schotel
Limburger cold salad a.k.a. koude schotel

Finishing up the Limburger cold salad a.k.a. koude schotel – 45 minutes + waiting time

Combine the potato cubes, peas and carrots in the large bowl. Use 2 forks to create pulled beef and add this to the large bowl. Peel the apples and chop them into small cubes, add them to the bowl.

Chop 10 to 14 pickles in thin slices and also add them along with the sweet-sour onions to the bowl. Season with pepper, salt and mayonnaise and stir very well. Add as much lemon juice as you like, it should be a bit sour but not too sour.

For the best result, it's best to refrigerate it overnight. This way the flavours can enhance. Koude schotel is mostly served on parties here in holland, so the recipe asks for this enormous amount.

Serve on top of some lettuce leaves and with some slices of bread. Enjoy your meal!

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18 ratings
6 comments on "Limburger cold salad a.k.a. koude schotel"
Liz bonser says on 2018-09-24
Healthy food is over rated! Lets finally have food that tastes good once in awhile! Trying this recipe soon! Thanks for sharing.
Ohmydish says on 2018-09-24
Thanks Liz! It's all about balance, but mostly just eating what's delicious :D Hope you like it!
Sophie dufrasnes says on 2018-11-05
Where is the mayonnaise?
Ohmydish says on 2018-11-06
What do you mean Sophie?
Gerri humphreys says on 2020-02-17
My mother made this and I still use her recipe. It was called "slaaijte" and used left over cooked meat, potato, gerkins, sour apple, beetroot .... all chopped to the same size and mixed with mayonnaise. Loved this and will continue to make ours this way. Although the above recipe looks interesting too.
Ohmydish says on 2020-02-17
Thank you Gerri! Your moms 'slaatje' sounds indeed similar, this recipe is also my moms. It used to be a classic dish at most parties that has a buffet (well at least in the south of the Netherlands in the 90s where my mom used to have a catering business) Have a great day! :-)

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