Pear and sage cheesecake
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Pear and sage cheesecake

This pear and sage cheesecake is so delicious! With a surprise ingredient.. And, did you guess that? Seriously, a must try!

1 hour 30 minutes
12 persons
Pear and sage cheesecake ingredients

Recipe pear and sage cheesecake


12 persons
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Véronique Pouw

Made by Véronique

Published at 2017-03-14, this recipe is for 12 persons and takes 1 hour 30 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-08-07

Let's get started
Preparation time
30 minutes
Time cooking
1 hour
Total time
1 hour 30 minutes

Preparation – 30 minutes

Melt the butter in the small saucepan. Crumble the cookies, you can use a food processor or place them in a ziplock bag and smash them with a rolling-pin. Coat the spring form with butter.  

Combine the melted butter and cookie crumbs and divide them over the bottom of the spring form. Make sure they're equally divided and press them downwards with your hands.  

Pear and sage cheesecake
Pear and sage cheesecake

Refrigerate while you start with the cheese filling. Peel 4 of the pears and remove the core. You can create the pear puree by pressing it through a sieve with a ladle. You can also use a blender for the puree, that's up to you.

Add the cream cheese, goat's cheese, zest and juice of half a lime, 4 eggs and the pear puree into the bowl of your mixer. Mix until you've reached a smooth mixture, but don't mix too long.

Add the powdered sugar and flour. Finely chop the sage leaves and stir them into the smooth mixture. Pre-heat the oven to 150 degrees celsius or 300 degrees fahrenheit.  


Pear and sage cheesecake
Pear and sage cheesecake

Finishing the pear and sage cheesecake – 1 hour

Pour the cheese filling onto the cookie bottom and bake in the oven for about 45 minutes, depending on your oven. Never open the door too quickly, otherwise the cheesecake will collapse.  

You can check if it's done, by moving it, if it's wobbly in the middle it needs a bit longer. Open the door just very slightly and let the cheesecake sit in the turned off oven for 10 minutes.

Transfer to a cooling rack and let it cool off completely. Peel the leftover 3 pears, remove the core and chop into slices. Garnish the cheesecake and use a kitchen brush to divide a bit of lemon juice over the pears to prevent them from discoloring. Enjoy!

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3 ratings
2 comments on "Pear and sage cheesecake"
Kelly says on 2024-08-06
This recipe was a real revelation. It is DELICIOUS!!!!
Marco says on 2024-08-07
Hi Kelly, Thank you for your lovely comment, although sage isn't very commonly used in cheesecakes we thought it was quite good! Kind regards, Marco

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