Pizza Margherita
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Pizza Margherita

A super basic pizza, but still the pizza Margherita is a favorite of many! Recipe for 2 and ready in a bit more than half an hour.

35 minutes
2 persons
Pizza Margherita ingredients

Recipe pizza margherita


2 persons
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Véronique Pouw

Made by Véronique

Published at 2017-11-03, this recipe is for 2 persons persons and takes 35 minutes.

Updated at: 2024-08-03

Let's get started
Preparation time
15 minutes
Time cooking
20 minutes
Total time
35 minutes

Preparation – 15 minutes + waiting time

Start with the pizza dough, make enough to make 2 pizzas. You can also use store-bought pizza dough, but homemade is even more delicious. Pre-heat the oven to 210 degrees celsius or 410 degrees fahrenheit.

Dust your work surface and rolling-pin with flour. Roll the pizza dough until you have a round pizza and transfer to the oven tray. Peel and finely chop the garlic cloves and combine them in a bowl with passata and a handful of dried oregano.

Finely chop the fresh basil and also add it to the sauce and season with pepper and salt. Divide the sauce over the pizza crust, but keep the edges clear of sauce and cover with grated mozzarella.  

Pizza Margherita
Pizza Margherita

Finishing the pizza Margherita – 20 minutes

Bake the pizza for about 15 minutes, the exact time depends on your oven. Check if the crust is also crunchy at the middle and repeat the above for the second pizza.

Transfer the pizza from the oven and divide in equal pieces, finish with a few more basil leaves if you like. Enjoy!

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