
Dish type: hearty

628 recipes



55 minutes 6 people

Make your own pissaladieère, a classic Provencal pizza from Nice, France. A delicious pizza with anchovy, caramelised onions and black olives.

Creamy mushroom and truffle soup

45 minutes 4 people (28)

A tasty and creamy mushroom and truffle soup is very festive with star-shaped croutons. Without the stars it's also an amazing autumn soup!

Puff pastry Christmas tree

40 minutes 4 people (1)

Maybe you've heard about a tarte soleil, this puff pastry Christmas tree is a version for the Holidays. With a filling of chorizo for festive colours.

Chicken and cabbage risotto

45 minutes 4 people (5)

This chicken and cabbage risotto is amazing with mushrooms and bacon. The cheese brings all the flavors perfectly together.

Pork roast with treacle sauce

3 hours 20 minutes 6 people

This pork roast with treacle sauce is super tender, soft, liglhly sweet and filled with spices. An easy showpiece during the Holidays.

German gipsy sauce

30 minutes 4 people (3)

This delicious and easy German gipsy sauce is perfect with a schnitzel and potatoes. An amazing sauce with bell peppers, mushrooms and spices.

Pork belly curry

2 hours 10 minutes 4 people

This pork belly curry is filled with spices and the meat is extra tender because it's marinated overnight. Great with lentils and green beans.

Pumpkin chutney

40 minutes 8 people

A chutney made with vegetables is deliciousness sweet and sour, perfectly balanced. This pumpkin chutney is a great side dish for curry and rice.

Belgian beef and beer stew

2 hours 10 minutes 4 people

You just want to try this Belgian beef and beer stew, the meat is so tender it will fall apart. A classic stew with fries, the perfect combination!

Ham and chicken lumpia

1 hour 8 people

Homemade ham and chicken lumpia is amazing. Stuffed with all kinds of vegetables, including recipe for homemade lumpia wrappers.

Pasta and broccoli bake

1 hour 4 people

This pasta and broccoli bake is creamy, filled with flavors and made with 2 types of cheese. An amazing vegetarian oven dish thats ready within an hour.

Spruitjesstamppot aka Brussels sprouts mash

45 minutes 4 people (4)

This spruitjesstamppot, rougly translated to Dutch Brussels sprouts mash, is super delicious with curry powder, mushrooms and bacon.

Braised red cabbage with pomegranate juice

1 hours 20 minutes 8 people

This braised red cabbage with pomegranate juice is a delicious winter side dish. Nothing beats homemade fresh red cabbage, extra great with pomegranate.

Barbecue chicken pizza

1 hour 1 person

This filling barbecue chicken pizza smells amazing, it has tomato sauce, chicken, corn, barbecue sauce, kidney beans and cheese so what's not to love?

Homemade spring roll wrappers

30 minutes 6 people (37)

Spring roll wrappers are easy to make, and great if you can't find ready made wrappers in your area. You only need a few ingredients.